How does individual coaching work?

Every coaching session starts with the simple question:  “What do you want?” Many people want to create a step-by- step strategy for reaching their dreams. Others want peace of mind instead of anxiety and stress.  

Each session is entirely focused on your needs and desires.

My approach is gentle, inquiring, and supportive.  Clients leave the session feeling empowered and return wondrous at how much shifted in just one session.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural, altered state of consciousness, called trance, in which the mind becomes deeply absorbed and the subconscious becomes open and receptive to suggestions.

The goal in a hypnotherapy session is to create agreement between your conscious beliefs (what you say you want) and your subconscious beliefs.

Hypnosis has been used cross-culturally for thousands of years.

What is a hypnotic state?

We enter hypnotic trance states naturally when we become absorbed in an activity and tune out external stimuli. When you are “lost” in a movie, driving on automatic pilot, daydreaming, or captivated by a book, for example, you are in a trance state.

How does it feel to be hypnotized?

The body relaxes; you feel at ease yet fully awake. Your conscious mind becomes less alert and your subconscious mind becomes more focused. You will hear everything and be able to answer and ask questions.

Will I lose control ?

No. At any time a client can choose to ignore a suggestion or come out of trance.

The “losing control” misconception about hypnosis probably comes from stage hypnosis where willing people are doing something (like quacking) in a social agreement to be entertaining.

Who can be hypnotized?

Anyone can be hypnotized if he or she desires.  Some find it easier than others, but even a light trance is enough to receive beneficial results. 

Is hypnosis effective?

The National Institute of Health (NIH), the American Psychological Association (APA), Harvard University, Stanford Hospital, and many other institutions have validated hypnosis. Dr. David Spiegel, a psychiatrist at Stanford who studies the clinical uses of hypnosis, puts it simply: "We imagine something different, so it is different.“

“Hypnosis is a valid subject for scientific study and research and a proven therapeutic medium. Enough studies have now accumulated to suggest that the inclusion of hypnotic procedures may be beneficial in the management and treatment of a wide range of conditions and problems encountered in the practice of medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy.”

—“The Nature of Hypnosis” The British Psychological Society. March 2001.

How is hypnotherapy used in office settings?

Hypnotherapy provides an energizing respite in a stressful day. Employees gather in groups for a shared 30-minute session of listening and light trance. Each person’s experience is personal and entirely private.

While individual hypnotherapy is highly customized and interactive, the themes in a group session are general enough to apply to everyone in a work setting: increased focus, creativity, collaboration, contribution, and contentment. People leave the room feeling grounded, refreshed and ready to be productive. 

Chronic stress and illness are intertwined. It is well-known that psychological stress raises the risk of heart disease, cold and flu, and even allergies. 

Regular group hypnosis sessions are a cost-effective antidote to the ongoing stress of a demanding environment.